Computational Arts

From Web content to Artificial Generalized Intelligence, prepare to learn and develop!

Musical Arts

From classical antiquity to robot rock, all genres and arrangements are possible!

Visual Arts

FAA-certified remote pilot, featuring 6K frame sizes and DLog gamuts!


Imagine & Build a Moral Code!

Consider the opportunities of Artificial Generalized Intelligence!

  • Computer Programming
  • College Instruction and Public Speaking
  • Symphonic and Rocking Music
  • Aerial Landscapes and Hyperlapse
  • Web Design and Content

The Future is Here... Welcome!

A lifetime of discovery and enterprise, not just a trek but disciplined and positive research, awaits you!

Grow Your Consciousness

Keep the following in mind when you consider the future of Artificial Empathy:

  • Award-winning research
  • Creative applications and design
  • FAA licensed and fully insured commercial remote pilot
  • More for you at Self Help 4 ROBOTS!
